Entertainment Legal Liabilities

Saturday, July 28, 2012

When owning a recording studio there are many different legal liability issues that could occur. The first legal issue that could occur would be intellectual property. Trademarks and copyrights could be infringed unknowingly weather it be a simple symbol or color pattern to abut 20 seconds of someone else’s already copyrighted music. Trademarks are usually words, symbols slogans basically things that are used to identify the source of origin with products or services. Copyright protection usually covers literary and artistic expression. Which usually goes under books, music, paintings plays, movies and many more. In order to avoid anything from happening such as any legal trouble one should always take preventative actions. Some things that can be done is making sure that the music you are recording is not someone else’s and if it is you are not taking a substantial amount of their work. If you want to take a substantial amount of the previously recorded song you should ask for permission to use it from the rightful owner. More than likely they would be willing to agree but would want either a down payment or a certain percentage of the earnings from the song. Copyright infringement could be a very long and messy process to deal with when on either sides of the table. When dealing with trademarks the only time it would be ok to use is if you have permission from a competitor to use either that competitor’s logo or colors or something to indicate that it is them in a competitive commercial. Just as Charmin tissue does with Scott tissue. Attached you will find the following links helpful and useful when trying to understand exactly what is an intellectual property. You would also learn more in depth how to actually go about protecting your copyright with your copyright code.  



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