Industry Liabilities

Sunday, July 1, 2012

There are so many legal controversies going on nowadays, we do after all live in a sue friendly world. This month we will be going over the legal side of things in the entertainment industry. To start off the first controversy is about the whole Chris Brown and Drake scuffle that left about eight people injured and a few people hospitalized. Among the many people injured was Chris brown himself and Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs. Tony Parker is now filing a $20 million lawsuit against the New York Club W.I.P. for a scratched cornea he suffered doing the fight between the two celebrities. I think this could have been avoided and there was really no need to start throwing bottles in the first place. I also feel that $20 million is a bit excessive. 
The aftermath: Flying bottles and fists injured at least eight people in the brawl between Brown and Drake's entouragesBest of enemies: Drake, left, and Chris, right, seen partying on opposite sides of club WiP before the night ended in bottle throwing with Chris sustaining a cut to the chin

The second legal controversy is about the Grammy award winning singer Lauryn Hill. The former Fugees singer will be facing three years in prison due to tax charges. From 2005-2007 she had reportedly earned $1.8 million and failed to file tax returns. Most celebrities get so caught up in the hype of making all that money they forget to pay their dues when its time and then they end up in situations like this. If she would have paid the money like she was supposed to then I feel she would be free and would still had some money left over from her successful days. 

The last and final controversy I want to discuss is one that happened back in 2009. Joe Satriani Sues Coldplay for plagiarism for the song “Viva La Vida”. The lawsuit was for coldplay allegedly taking substantial original portions of his 2004 song “If I could fly” in their 2008 hit “Viv La Vida”. Although it is clear and you can hear samples of his songs and riffs in theirs the case got dismissed upon stipulation. I think all this could have been avoided even if Coldplay didn’t know they took some of his original work when it came to their attention the could have offered him some money from the earnings of the song. 


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