Why is Apple So Successful???

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What is the reason Apple, Inc is doing so well with its latest products? The answer is having good product management. Steve Jobs was a very smart man and did a good job of running Apple Inc. He and his team had a great skill of strategic visioning and planning. From the Product Manager’s Field Guide there are five product management assets that if followed would lead to a successful product. The first asset is to “Drive business results.” In order for this asset to work one must not only oversee the product and make sure there is a successful launch but and offer great customer satisfaction. The second asset is “deliver results through people.” Product managers need to learn how to get positive results through other people. Word of mouth can make or break your product. The third is “ensure market-driven direction.” As a product manager you have to know what the customers want and understand their existing and future needs. Next is “guide product fit and function.” This is where product managers listen to customers concerns and opinions and use this to create a great product. Finally there is “manage multiple priorities.” This asset just bacsically states that as a product manager you must have the ability to multi task. Out of these product management assets three of them is what made Apple, Inc so successful with the releases of the Ipod, Iphone and its four generations, and the Ipad. Ensure Market driven direction, guide fit and function and drive business results. Apple does a great job of releasing things when the technology and timing is right. If the products were released before its time then it would fail. Steve Jobs was great at know what people wanted and when they were ready to accept it. In an interview he stated "It's really hard to design products by the focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know that they want until you show it to them." Business Week May 25 1998


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